The International Communist Party | Issue 63 | ||
Preview 2025 |
Last update March 27, 2025 |
WHAT DISTINGUISHES OUR PARTY – The line running from Marx to
Lenin to the foundation of the Third International and the birth of the
Communist Party of Italy in Leghorn (Livorno)1921, and from there to the
struggle of the Italian Communist Left against the degeneration in Moscow and to
the rejection of popular fronts and coalition of resistance groups – The tough work of restoring the revolutionary doctrine and the party organ, in contact with the working class, outside the realm of personal politics and electoralist manoevrings |
“Sovereignty” and rabid nationalism has become the new signature of the Georgian government, which is hellbent on repressing every part of society to ensure the total domination of the current ruling bourgeoisie.
It all started with the introduction of the so-called law on transparency in 2023, after which the government introduced another repressive law anti-LGBT propaganda and the law about offshore companies which would make it easier for the ruling class to launder money.
After the reintroduction of the “law on transparency of foreign influence” and the brutal crackdown on protests that came after them, the government, predictably, used intimidation, and vote-buying to ensure electoral victory – an excellent demonstration of full capacity of the so-called democratic process.
The Georgian middle class is in disarray and effectively is standing against an existential threat, given the promises from the government about widespread terror and repression against those who it deems traitors.
There have been protests against the government since it has declared the freezing of EU integration till 2028, and, in turn, the government has responded with the use of extrajudicial crackdowns, systemic torture, massive arrests and terror by far-right thugs.
While the government churns out delusional propaganda everyday and the middle
class and the haute bourgeoisie fight among each other, the conditions of the
working class deteriorate and the State sows
diversion and spreads propaganda where it can, and where it cannot, stiffles out
any sign of dissent among the workers with force and intimidation.
Bourgeois Sovereignty and Nationalism
The government claims it is defending “Sovereignty” of the Georgian nation against the foreign influence and is justifying the repressions as being targeted against the traitors of the nation.
The so-called law about transparency is directly tied to this rhetoric – in reality, it is a tool the government will use to repress and destroy the middle class and NGOs.
Ironically, the government, at the same time, also passed the law that makes it easier for offshore companies to operate in Georgia. We can only guess, as all the law-abiding citizens should, that this will be used to further increase transparency of finances and will not be used by the current ruling bourgeoisie with its ties to Russia to launder their money in a more efficient way. In short, there is no doubt what do nationalism and national sovereignty entail – the sovereignty of the bourgeoisie class and guarantee of its domination.
The farcical theatre of nationalism has been playing out in Georgia for decades already. Right, left and centre alike share identical and identically absurd fantasies and formulas of nationalism. All of them preach the same words, chastise the same sins and extol the same virtues. Then it must not come as a surprise that Georgia has come to such a baffling picture: Everybody agrees but hates each other.
The ideology is so prevalent that politics cannot exist in its ideological form, there is no room for disagreement. Even the ruling party, with its obvious sympathies for Russia, is forced to spew bullshit about joining the EU in 2030.
Everybody loves Europe, Georgian nation, democracy, and sovereignty. And everybody hates traitors, authoritarianism, and foreign influence. There’s only a slight problem: Nobody has any clue what these mean anymore. And we doubt they meant anything in the first place.
Behind these shadows of ideology lay bare the ugliness of bourgeois society with the self-interest of the ruling class and divisions within. Then the root of “polarization” becomes clear: There cannot be a “dialogue” between “opposing views”, because there are no opposing views, there are only the opposing interests among inter and intra-class lines.
On one hand, there is the relatively affluent petty bourgeoisie, which has financial ties to Europe and travels there frequently. On the other hand, there are influential members of the haute bourgeoisie that have ties to Russian capital and are represented by the ruling party at the moment. There is also a segment of haute bourgeoisie that is more dependent on the Western capital.
But far the most important and influential is the richest man in Georgia by a
wide margin, Bidzina Ivanishvili, who seeks to establish complete control over
the country. It can be presumed that the small opposition among the haute
bourgeoisie against the current course is not only due to the ties to different
capitals, but also due to the fear that they might be crushed in the future by Ivanishvili.
One Man’s Reactionary Georgian Dream
Bidzina Ivanishvili is the one who is calling the shots. He is the sacred body of the so-called Georgian nation, similarly to Augustus and the Roman Empire. He incorporates in himself all of the “independent” branches of bourgeois government: He owns the executive, the legislative and the judiciary branches.
Liberals, of course, are not baffled by this dysfunction of their system. More stupid ones among them may even attribute this defect to the un-exorcized demon of “Soviet Mentality”. The reality, however, is quite simple: The way Georgian government works is not completely different from the way the bourgeois government works in any other case, or in the much-praised USA, for example, which by the virtue of being a wealthier country with a wealthier bourgeoisie, has a multitude of oligarchs instead of just simply one.
Ivanishvili simply has the means and ambition to become the sole head of the capital in the country, and by extension, own the government. His power is completely based on his capital.
Thus, the State shows him the recognition that he deserves and is almost deified. His informal standing and status reinforce this, having been bestowed only the vague title of the “Honorary Chairman” of the ruling party, aptly named “Georgian Dream”.
The ruling party talks of the mythical “Global War Party”, the Freemasons, foreign influences, and other scary big words which do not mean anything. It is not completely clear whether Ivanishvili himself believes in the demons he conjures or is simply making up tales to scare the populace. In any case, it is clear that he desires to avoid war and globalization and intends to establish “Georgian Sovereignty”, the grand reactionary dream of turning against the flow of history and of creating an anclave of peace and stability amidst the chaos, war, instability, and increasing globalisation around the world.
The fantasies of Ivanishvili sound awfully similar to the ideology of other
geopolitically similarly aligned countries – in particular, the theory of the
so-called multipolar world.
This multipolarity, of course, just means the freedom of the national
bourgeoisies to repress and exploit the local working classes, instead of the
process of globalization meddling in their affairs.
Left and Right Wings of Capital: One Hand Washes the Other
The left and right wings of capital alike revel in this miserable farce. Both the left and the far-right, despite their insistence on their opposition to capitalism, are too enthusiastic to support the march towards authoritarianism and repression. What is clear is that philistine “anti-capitalism” of both turned out to be nuanceless geopolitical anti-Americanism and banal nationalism.
These two flanks, despite their seeming opposition to each other, worked tirelessly for the benefit of the State. The left deployed its propaganda machine of brainless heads, while the far-right deployed its muscle.
The self-proclaimed defenders of the working class applauded the repressive apparatus of the ruling class and squealed with joy at the State’s pathetic attempts at patriotic and religious propaganda. It is now clear to see, though it was not very hard to see before either, that the sole worry for these clueless and corrupt politicians was never the working class, but ideological opposition towards “Liberalism” and whatever they conjure it up to mean in their deluded minds. For the left, it is simple: if the bourgeois State attacks liberals, to hell with the working class and its demands! The left stubbornly refuses to see that it is precisely this government that oversees the efficient repression of the working class and ensures the unlivable working conditions.
As for the far-right, it is not difficult to see why they would support the State on its current path – they do share the fanatic patriotism and glee at the State’s authority. It is a clear fact that the government uses fascist militants for their terror aims. The media calls these thugs “titsushkiy”, in reference to the informal thugs used by Victor Yanukovich in Ukraine. But it must also be mentioned that these thugs tend to be overwhelmingly far-right in their beliefs and tend to belong to various fascist militant organizations.
The only political opposition are the liberals, who decry State now for the sole reason that it has at this specific point in time turned specifically against them. And even in this opposition it is mild and weak. Liberals, despite their repression, refuse to go against State in principle, and only claim that this current government is “illegitimate” and not really a government at all. They refuse to believe that the police is not filled with those who are, in the depths of their hearts, good and honest men who are secretly against the ruling party, or given enough time, can be reasoned with and shown the absolute truth of the liberal dogma. In short, they’re as hopeless as ever.
However, of course, there are certain deviations from this liberal dogma, and
the followers of liberalism themselves are becoming more and more confused and
radicalized. Some talk about the defense of constitution as a form of
revolution. There are a lot of misguided calls for revolution without having any
understanding of how the revolutionary process develops.
The Working Class – Repressed As Always
As always, what is left and discarded is the working class. It is whipped and told to shut up by the State and the far-right, and ignored by the left.
As for the liberals, the petty bourgeoisie, in its best tradition, flees and
begs the proletariat for support. The middle class, when it has no support from the ruling class, is left impotent and unable.
“Strike!” - the petty bourgeoisie demands. These pretentious liberals have just
remembered about the existence of a magical thing called the working class,
which has these mystical ability to strike. It is bewildering how the liberals
invented striking from scratch – some even did not believe in such a concept and
argued that employers would just fire everyone who tried to stop working.
But liberals have seemingly forgotten that it was them who ignored the existence of the working class before or even gleefully supported its longstanding repression outright, which has left the proletariat unable to do anything.
Besides, the petty bourgeoisie moralistically condemns the worker for not striking, because this is about “the Motherland”, not their self-interest. They complain about the strikes that are done with the demand for better working conditions and pay, and instead demand that the workers call for the new elections. Put plainly, they complain that the working class follows its own interest and not the interest of the middle class.
While everyone spews this ideological bullshit, the State further strengthens its repressive apparatus and ensures even better efficiency for repressing the workers.
But fear not, amidst the repressions against the public workers, teachers of
schools and pre-schools, etc., the government has thrown the workers a bone –
pensions have been raised by 35 GEL, from 315 GEL to 350 GEL. Hooray! This won’t
be enough to even cover the rising prices, but all that matters is patriotic
pride, right? At the very same day, it was decided that the parliamentarians’
salary will be raised twofold to 11,680 GEL We can only imagine the hard work
the comrades at the Deputies’ Trade Union must have put into this achievement.
On February 28th a general strike was held throughout Greece on the second anniversary of the 2023 Tempi railway disaster, in which 57 people lost their lives in a head-on collision between a goods train and a passenger train packed with young people returning from a short vacation.
During the strike, huge demonstrations took place in the main Greek cities, Athens, Thessaloniki and Patras, mobilizing hundreds of thousands of people. It is said that around one and a half million people participated throughout Greece, out of a population of only 11 million!
This huge participation was due to various reasons. Undoubtedly there is anger at what happened in Tempi, which was a massacre waiting to happen, caused by the lack of the most basic safety equipment and the increasingly onerous working conditions imposed on crews which had been reduced to a minimum. Despite complaints from the unions, the private company that manages the railways, an Italian company called Hellenic Train, has blatantly persisted in its policy of achieving maximum profit by cutting back on safety; a policy that is also being followed in Italy, Great Britain and other European countries.
Anger against the government is growing because it is increasingly evident that it is obstructing the search for those responsible, which may extend far beyond and be much more serious than it appeared in the days immediately following the disaster. The victims' relatives have ascertained that the government and Hellenic Train are collaborating to hide the real cause of the fire. It is very likely that the huge blaze that followed the impact was caused by the presence of undeclared explosive substances on the freight train, perhaps xylene. Xylene and similar substances are much cheaper than gasoline and are used to adulterate fuel, a profitable business for mafia organizations in league with the political and business world.
But it wasn't just the anger at the massacre and the lack of justice that
drove hundreds of thousands of workers onto the streets. The general strike was
seen as an opportunity to express their desire to fight against the employers
and the State, against low wages, against precarious and insecure working
conditions, against pensions that are too low, and against a health system that
doesn't work and forces the proletariat to go without care.
A model anti-proletarian democracy
Greece is a “model” European capitalism, their country of reference, and small enough to be used as a “laboratory experiment”. During the debt crisis, the employers mercilessly blackmailed workers into either accepting jobs with extremely exploitative conditions or remaining unemployed. And that didn't change after the government budget crisis ended. In Greece young proletarians continue to work 40 or 50 hours a week for a salary of 700 or 800 euros, while the cost of living is almost the same as in countries where salaries are double or triple that amount. Retirees, who have seen their pensions cut by 40% from one day to the next, continue to get by on starvation pensions whereas, for Europe, the economy is recovering and the country is getting its finances back in order!
The Greek state, during these times when everyone is crying “to arms, to arms!” and all governments are pushing to transform car and tractor factories into ones producing tanks and fighter planes, has confirmed that it is a model to follow. While in other European countries military service has been abolished, in Greece it has always remained, with the defense of the country from the danger of aggressive Turkey given as an excuse.
And military spending, even in the darkest period for the state budget, has always been maintained at 3.5 - 4% of GDP while that of Italy, a country that is certainly not pacifist, is at 1.5%.
In this situation of extreme social stratification, where a small number of middle class people, businessmen, politicians, mafiosi and the whole apparatus that serves and defends them, live in luxury while the great majority of the proletariat and the impoverished lower and middle classes struggle to get by, it is the populist parties of the opposition and the government that, by diverting the anger of the masses towards the objectives of the other classes, prevent the independent organization of the proletarian class, both on an economic and political level.
Certainly the huge demonstrations that have invaded the cities of Greece are something to be appreciated. They show that the Greek proletariat has not bowed its head and is willing to fight to improve its living and working conditions, but the power of the bourgeoisie remains firm even if the right-wing government is faltering. The bourgeoisie is well aware that in order to hang on to power, the government and even the political class can be changed: the important thing is that the State, that is the machinery of power, the police, the army, the judiciary remain under its control.
The KKE, the “party of struggle and government” consents to this game, just as the PCI once did in Italy.
But theirs is a dirty game. You can't engage in an all-out struggle to defend the proletariat by occupying seats in bourgeois parliaments. Proletarian power is not conquered bit by bit, in stages, by penetrating like rats into the cracks of the system. The proletariat will achieve its emancipation by means of the revolutionary overthrow of the bourgeois order, its state and all of its organs of repression and for the management of its power.
The problem of security is not solved by transferring Hellenic Train to the public sector without compensation, even if “with the control of the workers and the company”. These are all empty words. Under the present regime, the fact that a company is publicly owned rather than privately owned does not provide the proletariat with any guarantees, nor can there be “control” of company management by the workers. Only when political power is in the hands of the proletariat will it be able to exercise its control over all social and productive activities.
The slogan that resonated in the demonstrations: “Either their profits or our lives” we can make it our own, in fact it is ours and ours alone because it affirms that this regime, not the Mitzotakis government or the European Commission, but THE CAPITALIST REGIME that pervades all the states in the world and which is based on the pursuit of profit at any cost, is now not only the enemy of the proletariat but of the human species.
For this reason it is necessary that the vanguard elements of the proletariat
seriously undertake the path of revolutionary preparation that shuns foolish
rebellious aspirations and instead is based on the day to day work of creating
workers' unions which are truly independent of the bourgeois parties, which
includes the KKE, the PASOK and also the swarm of little groups of the so-called
” left”. The unions we are talking about are those that propose to defend the
interests of the workers, aiming above all to unify the proletariat in the daily
struggle of its members to defend their living and working conditions,
overcoming divisions of work sector, work place, locality, nationality, religion
and race. It is also a question of reconnecting with the tradition of left
revolutionary Communism; with the International Communist Party. This work will
pave the way for the social emancipation of the proletarian class by means of
the seizure of political power and the establishment of the dictatorship of the
Trump’s miserable statements, which European leaders are following,
expose some of the lies and illusions propagated for decades by the
bourgeoisies around the world, and by their right-wing and
"left-wing" parties, to hide the ferocity of the world of
capital, which now brings only death and destruction.
- International law is a fiction; it is the right of the strongest.
- In capitalism, war is an economic necessity: capitalism and peace are incompatible.
Trump is no smarter, stupider, or crazier than those who came before him. He merely reveals the true face of capitalism: this is the anonymous monster that threatens humanity! It’s not Trump who holds power, but the industrial-financial complex, in the hands of the bourgeois class, which uses the machinery of the state to defend its interests. This is true for the United States and for all states in the world: all are bourgeois regimes against the working class. They are so regardless of the ideology and form of government they disguise themselves with: from "democracy” to false socialism, like that of China, or Venezuela, to the theocracy of the ayatollahs in Iran, or the "Jewish State" in Israel.
The bourgeoisie itself cannot "decide" anything because its policy is imposed on it by the economic crisis of overproduction in global capitalism. All national capitalisms and industrial sectors are under attack and overwhelmed by decades of overcapacity: Europe, the United States, China, and all the smaller bourgeoisies must flood the world with goods they cannot sell within their national borders, thus colliding with their competitors.
The United States, as the world’s largest capitalist system, is the most vulnerable to the economic crisis because it is increasingly difficult for it to maintain its global dominance. Today, the United States bourgeoisie must cut costs and pass the bill on to their "allies." They are revoking "humanitarian aid," which was once a useful instrument of international corruption. They are forced to strip the state apparatus of all "superfluous" resources (education, healthcare, social assistance), reducing it to its essence as a machine for oppressing the working class.
The policy being imposed today in the United States is not "isolationism," which, although in the interests of this national capitalism, would bring world peace. It is, instead, a different kind of shifting of US forces, concentrating them in the Indo-Pacific, a theater of primary strategic interest, to the detriment of the Atlantic and Europe. It serves to prepare for war against emerging Chinese imperialism, in a new division of world markets.
The imposition of tariffs on imports—which also partially harms American capitalism, but hurts competitors more—is a desperate policy, an economic-trade war that prepares for war with weapons. History repeats itself: the protectionism of all states preceded World War II. The new "golden age" promised by Trump will be one of tears and blood for the American working class, sacrificed to save the bourgeoisie’s profits and social privilege, in preparation for war.
But it won’t be the bourgeois regimes competing with the US that will save the global working class from the Third Imperialist War. A peaceful multipolar world under capitalism is just another lie.
Driven by the crisis, and increasingly unable to sell other goods, the bourgeoisie of all countries is throwing itself into the war industry. The drive toward rearmament is accelerating. The European Union, after decades of forcing workers to tighten their belts under the pretext of reducing debt, now claims to be willing to go into debt up to its neck to produce weapons! Beyond false ideological oppositions, all bourgeois states share an interest in investing enormous sums in war production to alleviate the crisis and prepare for war. For this reason, they all have a common interest in leading workers to war, convincing them that the enemy is not capitalism, starting with their own bourgeois regime, but an "enemy" alliance. To this end, it is essential to instill workers in nationalist ideology.
The European Union is not only reactionary, but also impossible —as Lenin asserted as early as 1915— because bourgeois states will never renounce their national interests. There is no such thing as European imperialism, but rather an alliance between certain European imperialisms: of the 800 billion euro rearmament plan over four years, 650 billion euro should be allocated to national armies. Nationalism—which today is called "sovereignty"—is only the other side of the ideological lie of the European Union. The "multipolar" Europe of "sovereignty" will be sucked into the vortex of the Third World Imperialist Conflict, as already occurred in the two world conflicts of the 20th century, under the pressure of the same economic and political determinants that are pushing the European Union to arm itself today. The anti-EU bourgeois parties that today cloak themselves in pacifism will tomorrow be as warmongering as the pro-EU parties and Trump are today.
The only force that can prevent war is that of the working class united across national borders, refusing to shed its blood in defense of the homeland. For workers, it makes no difference whether they are exploited and oppressed by their own national bourgeoisie or that of another country. But it is certainly preferable to fight their own social war, with powerful strikes, up to the point of revolution, against any bourgeoisie in power, national or foreign, rather than to die by the hundreds of thousands on the front lines of the war between capitalist states, on the battlefields, and under bombardment.
The authentic Communist Party desires and promotes the military defeat of its own bourgeois state in the imperialist war because it puts an end to the carnage of war, because proletarian defeatism on the home front, with strikes in factories and among soldiers, infects and unites uniformed workers across the front lines, because military defeat weakens its own bourgeoisie and favors the revolution.
To prevent or halt imperialist war, the working class must be organized. This means organizing itself into strong class-based unions that unify workers’ struggles in increasingly broad and powerful strikes aimed at defending wages and reducing the pace and length of the workday. These basic demands of the proletariat are in themselves unpatriotic because they damage national capitalism and its competitiveness.
Defending your economic interests today through union struggle means already being on the path that will lead you to defend your political interests tomorrow, opposing militarism and the war of the bourgeoisie.
We can expect the official trade union federations of all countries, aligning themselves with their bourgeois bosses in each country, raising the anti-proletarian banners of nationalism and multipolar capitalism, to lead the workers to the slaughterhouse of inter-imperialist world war and the bourgeois dispute over territories and borders.
Combative trade unionism, to rebuild the strength of the working-class trade union movement and free workers from the control of the regime’s unions, must act unitedly in struggles across all categories, to strengthen and unify them, and to promote the struggle against war for the international unity of workers.
- Solidarity among workers of all countries!
- Against all Fatherlands!
- Class war against imperialist war!